Presbyters' Council of Central Indiana Orthodox Christian Churches
Mission Statement, Structure and Guidelines
27 April 2001The name of this organization shall be the Presbyters’ Council of the Central Indiana Orthodox Christian Churches and shall be referred to more concisely and commonly as the Presbyters’ Council.
To manifest our unity in the Body of Christ in Central Indiana by working together to bear witness to our common Orthodox Faith and to accomplish the mission which our Lord established for His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.To gather together as clergy and with our communities in the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit, devoting ourselves to the Breaking of the Bread and to the prayers, worshipping the undivided Trinity, Who has saved us.
To lead the people of our communities in working together on the areas of Worship, Education, Charitable Aid, Mission and Fellowship. By combining our resources, by God’s grace, we desire to achieve greater results for the glory of God.
The Presbyters’ Council will coordinate and implement worship and educational/inspirational opportunities, by actively including both clergy and laity of our communities in the realization of these goals.The Presbyters’ Council will strive both for the enrichment of the spiritual life of our own parishioners and for the presentation of an Orthodox Christian witness to the general public of Central Indiana.
The Presbyters’ Council will promote fellowship and cooperation among the members of our communities through the formation of both standing and limited term ministries that are focused on well-defined tasks with clear purpose. Examples of possible such ministries include a Metropolitan Committee for the International Orthodox Christian Charities, parish council development, Church school teacher training, vacation church school programs, etc.
The Presbyters’ Council will charter and oversee the work of such ministries, assigning a member of the Council as spiritual advisor and liaison to each such group.
The proïstamenoi of recognized Orthodox Christian parishes in Central Indiana (i.e., parishes whose bishops are members of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Churches in the Americas) will be members of the Presbyters’ Council by virtue of their offices.Other clergy of those parishes—associate and retired presbyters and deacons—are also invited to attend and participate in the discussions of the Presbyters’ Council.
When issues require voting, the proïstamenoi who are present may each cast one vote on behalf of their parishes.
The presence of the proïstamenoi of at least two thirds of the parishes shall constitute a quorum for voting.
The clergy of newly formed (or newly recognized) communities should present as credentials a letter from their bishop acknowledging his jurisdiction over the particular community.
Member proïstamenoi shall be eligible to serve in the offices of President and Secretary/Treasurer.Officers of the Presbyters’ Council shall be elected in the month of May to serve one-year terms from September through August.
Officers may directly succeed themselves in the same office only once.
In the event of a vacancy before expiration of an officer’s term, at its next meeting the Presbyters’ Council shall elect a member proïstamenos to fill the unexpired portion of the term of the office in question.
Financial Obligation
The Presbyters’ Council shall derive funds for its work primarily from contributions by its constituent parishes.The Presbyters’ Council may seek donations at pan-Orthodox services and educational programs and may solicit other contributions to fund specifically defined programs.
Amendments: A two-thirds majority of member parish proïstamenoi will be required to add or change any article of this document.