Building Hope for Boys Without Families and Families Without Homes
Where: Tijuana, Mexico
How: Fly to San Diego and drive across the border to Tijuana, Mexico.
Number of people for Mission Team: 1 – 10 people
Approximate Cost: $1200 with a $200 deposit to hold your space and the balance due by March 15, 2016 These costs can be underwritten by fund-raising efforts (individual or community)
Requirements: Age 14 or older by yourself OR 12 – 13 years old accompanied by a parent.
Contact information: Joe Pavia - Phone: (317) 844-7479 or e-mail: jpavia@indy.rr.com
Purpose: St. Innocent Orphanage is home for about 25 boys. The Team’s first responsibility is to be role models for the boys. Our second mission is to build solid stucco homes with concrete floors for the poorest families in Tijuana, who would otherwise be living in cardboard and metal shacks.
The conditions in the Tijuana area are extremely difficult. The impact affects not only families, but also the large numbers of orphans living in Tijuana. The orphanages are forced to let go of children who are as young as 12 and 13 years old. St. Innocent Orthodox Orphanage receives these young boys and gives them quality education, teaches them vocational skills, and, most importantly, guides in the Christian life.
Day to Day activity: Morning prayers 7 am; breakfast; travel to work site; return at 6 pm; play sports with the boys; dinner at 7 pm; group activity at 8 – 9 pm; socialize; and lights out at 10 pm.
Living accommodations: Tents or the stucco homes (11 X 22), air mattress, sleeping bag, bucket showers (no hot water), outside dinning tent.

Other opportunities: swim in the Pacific Ocean, visit a Mexican bakery, or visit Mexican Taco stand.