"Here (on Mt. Athos, ed), a great, and important to the world of Orthodoxy, work is done. It's linked to building of moral framework of our society. And you are, in many things, are the source of this building and grace."
«Здесь происходит очень важное и нужное для православного мира деяние. Оно связано с устроением нравственного устоя нашего общества. И вы во многом являетесь источником этого устроения и благодати»
It is his his second visit to Mt. Athos. Putin also visited the St. Panteleimon Monastery inhabited by about 70 Russian and Ukrainian monks.
There, Putin along with monastic community, Patriarch Kirill, clergy, and state officials took part in celebrating 1,000 years of Russian presence in Mt. Athos.
Patriarch Kirill also addressed the community in the Dormition of Theotokos Cathedral:
"(this world) badly needs an example of conciliation and unity, which are obtained in Christ through denial of selfish-love and connivance to sin." The tradition of the Holy Mountain serves an example of this conciliation and unity. That is why Athos is so attractive to those who love God and to those who just begin their way to salvation."
"Этот мир «остро нуждается в примере согласия и умиротворения, обретаемого во Христе через отречение от себялюбия и потворства греху». «Святогорская монашеская традиция являет собою этот пример. Поэтому Афон так притягателен для множества боголюбцев и людей, только начинающих свой путь ко спасению»"
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